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5 Skincare Essentials For Hot And Humid Weather

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Essential Skincare Tips To Beat The Singapore Heat Hot and humid weather is a fact of life in Singapore, so finding the perfect balance between keeping your skincare regime simple, and maintaining a healthy glow all day, can always be a little tricky. Here's our top tips and skincare essentials guide to beat the Singapore heat. With relentless heat and humidity comes sweat, which leads to excess sebum production, expands your skin's pores and can cause skin breakouts. Exposure to the sun's UV rays and environmental factors, like pollution, can lead to dark spots and sun damage. Living and working...
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Brown-Girl friendly makeup products Though Singapore has come a long way since the days of just 2 brands carrying Brown-Girl friendly makeup products. However, it is still a hunt to find just the right shade for your skin colour. Brown girls require a different set of products from hair to body! We at Beauty Insider believe in inclusive beauty and want to champion brands who not just celebrate diversity but cater to it with their products!Thankfully for brown girls everywhere melanin production protects the skin from sun damage. Unfortunately, one of the side-effects from excessive melanin can be hyper-pigmentation. Uncomfortable...
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